The Romulus and Remus chimneypiece, c.1745. A George II marble chimneypiece in Italian Statuary, Convent Siena and Sicilian Jasper marbles. Attributed to the workshops of Thomas Carter the Elder 1702-1756.
A magnificent carved statuary marble chimneypiece inlayed with richly figured convent Sienna and Sicilian Jasper marbles, the jambs are in the form of Architectural pedestals inlayed with Jasper and surmounted by Ionic capitals beneath a bed moulding and inlayed end blocks. The frieze is centred with an exquisitely carved tablet depicting Romulus and Remus suckling the she-wolf from the mythology of Rome’s foundation. The frieze panels flanking the tablet are of convent Sienna marbles. The chimneypiece has a generously moulded break front shelf.
Price on application.